Artisan Playground, KL
A potential venue for our microwedding that is at the peripheral side of KL. Check it out!

Artisan Playground by COOKHOUSE, situated at Rivercity, Jalan Ipoh, is what I believe is an up and coming new restaurant in town. Described as a culinary playground and dining hotspot, it consists of multiple booths for culinary explorers, a space that caters up to 400 tables, interactive order kiosks, and cute robot servers.
What they have yet to shout about is that it is a potential space for a micro-wedding in Kuala Lumpur (and when I say micro, I mean less than 20 people). Here's why:
1) It has private spaces for reservation
They have (what I eyed) about 3 private spaces you can reserve for special occasions: 1) Fancy dining space with chandeliers for special events; 2) open air balcony space for more casual get-together; 3)hidden, sexy leather lounge for more upclose and personal celebrations (watch the last video in this post to watch how to find this hidden lounge). There was also (what I believe is) an event hall outside and next to the restaurant on the same floor that probably fit 50 people or so.
Looking at the versatility and current set up of the restaurant, I'm more than looking forward to do my birthday, my hens, my wedding reception all here. Plus point: it is so near where I stay now!
By the way, there is a grand piano on site and they are looking for performers!

1) Fancy dining space with chandeliers for special events; 2) open air balcony space for more casual get-together; 3)sexy leather lounge for more up-close and personal celebrations
2) Will have plenty of celebration-worthy menu to choose from
Disclaimer: when we were there, there was about 7~8 booths operating, offering sufficient choices of appetisers, main meals, drinks, desserts.
We were informed that the restaurant is expecting to be fully operating with chefs, cooks, food experts, cook-off players, cocktail makers, what not, in about 3 weeks. Names mentioned include Skillet 163, One Fine Duck, Alliya (Sri Lankan cuisine), Pie Guys, Assuming they are ready for a full blast Diner Dash game in June, we can definitely eye this for our own micro-wedding venue.
What we tried when we went that day, only from 1 vendor, was worth going back for. With that, I'm hopeful it'll get better!

Clockwise from top left: Mushroom and barley fricassee; pulled spiced beef and potato hash; corn fritters; our full table
3) Friendly services from both human staffs and robot staffs
We were greeted by an attendant on our first time entering Artisan Playground. They then seated us, validated that we were new to the place, then explained to us the method to order, and also cautioned us on the positioning of the robot servers at the table. They were rather amiable in answering our curiosity on their venue and vendors. One even showed us around, and gave us a peek in their hidden speakeasy lounge (3rd pic from point 1).
The Bellabots were sufficiently fast and cute as well as servers at the restaurant. I caught one sleeping on the job though... Just kidding, there wasnt many customers to service then.
Bellabot taking a snooze while waiting for orders... Tough life waitressing...
Check them out:
Extra snippets: Finding the hidden speakeasy lounge at Artisan Playground! Watch below: